Rooted on Earth,
Reaching for Heaven
Living consciously between worlds
Please join us to honor and remember
the life and legacy of
Rav David Zeller z"l
On his 3rd Yahrzeit, 7th of Sivan,
Thursday May 20th, 2010
which will Take place at "Yakar" Learning center
Halamed hey st. Katamon,
6:45 PM
Light refreshments
7:15 PM Heaven and Earth -
Spiritual Ecology
Family members
share memories
7:45 PM A Choice of Workshops
1. תחיה הרמן, מלווה מורים ומאמנת. ממייסדי
"שבת" -
מדיטציה יהודית:
"הלא חי אני!"
מפגש ברוח "שבת", התנסות במדיטציה (קצרה) לגילוי הכוחות הפנימיים המאפשרים
לאדם להתעלות. |
3. Michael Kagan,
Director of Jewish Climate Initiative:
The Secret of the Jews or Why
Daniel Quinn was not quite right.
How R’ David Zeller z"l changed my perspective on
Judaism, ecology and the world. |
2. ר' שאול דוד יודלמן, ר"מ וחבר ביהמ"ד
להשיב את הדם לאדם, יסודות
אקולוגיים בכתבי הרב קוק
4. Baruch Shapiro,
Clinical Herbalist:
The Ecology of the Mind
Experience oneself as a harmonious participant in the world |
8:45 PM Heaven on Earth - Man and Abundance in the land of Israel
Rabbi Dov Berkovits, Head of Bet Av for creativity and renewal in Torah
9:45 PM Singing and Music
Rav David's tapes, CDs and
book will
be available
including a new CD version of his "Tree of Life" lectures series!
Aliyah L'kever will be on Friday morning 8th of Sivan, May 21st at 10:30 at the Kfar Etzion Cemetary